liza koroleva

Guest Post: "Edit your life" - what does it mean? We asked some of our guests....

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Written by Liza Koroleva - Year 3 Fashion Communication and Promotion student at Norwich University of the Arts. Liza and I are exchanging skills and experience for a bit, keep an eye out for an event she has up her sleeve! Her instagram is @SUPERSELF.1. She has produced the copy with our contributors, and the graphics (thank you!).

We all lead busy lifestyles; kids, work, family, friends, fitness, wellbeing, mental health, these are only some of the many things we have to think about on a daily basis and quite frankly it’s extremely overwhelming to stay on top. But maybe there’s a simple formula to creating β€œenough time” for everything? If you’re a mum or parent, making yourself a priority is essential because let’s be honest, without you, everything will fall apart right? 

Maybe our event with Anna celebrating her new book β€˜An Edited Life’ on the 31st January can provide with that simple formula for staying on top. With the help of this book you can learn how to edit your home, fitness routine, social life, calendar and much more.

We interviewed some guests attending our event β€˜Edit your life with Anna Newton and Erica Davies’ to find out their biggest challenges when it comes to editing their life.

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Firstly, Martine; who has recently become a freelance HR expert (congratulations! Her website is Here’s what she had to say: β€œAs a result of going freelance I now work from home and have added my office into the playroom, which used to be the sole use of my daughters, who are 6 & 8. On top of this, I am making more time for myself with yoga and exercise classes from YouTube, which also takes place in the attic playroom. You can imagine it’s a busy space. Although fortunately the 3 purposes/uses rarely happen simultaneously.

I’m constantly moving things around to try and make the house work better, but feel overwhelmed by possessions and fear I have a slight hoarding tendency. However, the stuff makes me annoyed as it just looks messy. How long should you hold on to stuff for? When can toys go? I keep stuff for too long as I feel guilty of throwing out gifts, but also feel sad to say goodbye to things that have such lovely memories.

Finally, I find it difficult to switch my mind off with my girls once I have picked them up from school. The whole point of being self-employed was to spend more time with my ladies but I find myself distracted when spending time with them. I think about a million and one things and not being totally present. The yoga and exercise in the morning has helped me be more productive within my business, but feel the effect has worn off by school pick up time!

So, there are a million reasons why I have booked the event... a change is needed to make the most of this my life, my lovely home and my gorgeous girls!” Follow Martine on Twitter at @twiggeMartine and Linkedin


Next, Kerri Anema shares her story. Kerri is a self-employed sports massage therapist and makeup tutor, her business can be found here: Kerri Anema Sports and Massage Therapy.

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β€œI work crazy hours and have a sporty teenager at home whom I taxi around at silly o’clock for training. My husband also works crazy hours and shares the taxi service. My eldest daughter started University in September.

Last year’s biggest challenge was when β€œthe sandwich years” really kicked in. I had no idea that it would be the biggest challenge ever! We had to support our ageing parents as well as our dependent children who were going through A’ Levels and GCSE’s at the time, I nearly cracked! Nevertheless, I am still here to tell the tale and hopefully make a difference this year. 

The year consisted of hospitals, marathon days, the darkest days and thankfully a few up times. Children are a constant source of worry, emotionally that got harder in the last years of school. I would love tips to help free up time for the fun things in life, that really is the goal of the year for me and my family. Work needs to be put in its place but I’m not sure how to achieve this one. I think I’m looking for what most people I know are looking for. We are quite happy to work hard but we need to spend more fabulous time with the people that truly matter in our lives.”


Finally, Rebecca; owner of Little Dottie Designs Handmade Childrenswear explains the challenges of running an independent business and being a mother.

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β€œI decided to attend this event as one of my main goals for 2019 is to not only grow Little Dottie Designs, but also focus on myself; self care and wellbeing. 

I have promised myself to socialise with others in a similar position to me; working self-employed, juggling being a mother and also home life. For me this event is not only the perfect opportunity to get out of the house for some ME time, but to also to gain greater understanding on how others work everything on a daily basis. 

The two guest speakers sound so relative to me right now in my journey. I feel I have found a platform through Instagram to grow my business, but love hearing other successful freelance / self-employed people’s stories in their chosen paths juggling family, home, work and wellbeing. 

I feel a constant disruption between work and being a mother. I hope to get a sense of engagement from the event, hopefully coming away feeling empowered from their advice and experience to achieve the better work / life balance I want from being self-employed. 

The biggest challenge we faced last year for us is the cost of childcare. Currently we haven’t family or friends to help us out, and the cost of childcare is a huge struggle! Each day I spend time with my daughter all day, then tea, bath and bed- meaning I can only work in the evenings. I find myself confused as surely being a full time mum should be rewarded too, and we shouldn’t find ourselves then working every evening into the early mornings just to cover the minimum bills? I’d like to feel like I am winning at being a mother, being a successful boss and also find some time for myself.” Instagram @little.dottie.designs, Facebook: Little Dottie Designs 

Wow, from these stories it obvious that the main root of the problem is kids! (only joking). No, it’s our time escaping us too fast, time is our biggest hindrance but it really doesn’t have to be if we can pick up tips to prioritise. I’m sure many of you reading this can relate to these stories in one way or another. It’s important to spend time on people most important to us but just don’t forget about yourself, a message that Anna is strong on. So let’s make ourselves a priority this year because it’s important to take time to be in right headspace not only for yourself but for the people around you.


Written by Liza Koroleva - Year 3 Fashion Communication and Promotion student at Norwich University of the Arts. Liza and I are exchanging skills and experience for a bit, keep an eye out for an event she has up her sleeve! Her instagram is @lizakoroleva.2.