First Interior Design Masterclass released in Norwich

So, we had Anna Newton here in January to explain to us how to ‘edit our lives’ - how is that going for you? I still have a clear, perspex little chest of drawers in my junk cupboard that brings me joy (ignoring all the Calpol syringes, boxes of matches, sun cream, and essential oils that have gathered around it 😳).

Anyway, if you feel like your home could do with a bit of TLC this is just the event for you. From 9:30 until 16:00 on Saturday 9th November in the upstairs very lovely room at Cosy Club, you’ll join a small group of like minded people, for coffee and Bread Source pastries, before Holly from Salt Interiors starts us off with how we get started off making our home nice. She will explain how we make our homes personal to us (I did NOT pine for a navy lounge because of instagram). David from Todd Designs is the man to know about how to upcycle and where to buy vintage pieces locally. We’ll have lunch prepared by Cosy Club and then will be treated to a Wreath Making Workshop with Victoria from Petite Verte whose creations are stunning.

Sound good? Don’t hang about as we launched nearly a week ago on email and the tickets are almost all snapped up!

She asked me not to mention but I can’t take credit for the planning of this gorgeous day, Helen who is a fellow freelance mum was so passionate about doing her new home she organised it all - thanks Helen!